Virtual Learning Emerging Art Education Program

Objective: In response to COVID-19 closures and pre-existing barriers* to engagement for POVA artists, we aim to improve Artist Collective program accessibility through the development of virtual and distance learning opportunities. *Pre-existing barriers to engagement were present prior to COVID-19 and include, but are not limited to: transportation, mental and physical health and/or disabilities, legal obligations, work, child or pet care. 

POVA is developing a new program structure, which will offer participants the opportunity to graduate upon completion of a series of (non-accredited) art education courses. When POVA is able to reopen for gatherings, in-person courses will be offered twice per year. For participants who are not able to attend in person due to the barriers listed above, we will offer virtual/distance learning options. Some digital courses will be optional and available by participant’s choice for self-directed learning.



Develop password-protected, digital courses which could be accessed on POVA studio computers or off-site locations (Personal tablets, Satellite campuses, etc.). This process includes: curriculum development, educator recruitment, filming and editing, identifying platforms through which to offer these courses


Increase participant engagement and program accessibility


(In response to: “Why have a graduation?”) Develop replicable and sustainable programming that equips clients with tools to ignite their careers and earn income independently of POVA, instead of forcing them to continue to rely on both the resources and limitations of the program. The program will also provide graduated artists a pipeline to remain in POVA’s community through Board service, an Alumni program, volunteering, and continual community-building opportunities.

POVA Art Education Committee Position Description

Poverty and the Arts (POVA) seeks experienced art educators to assist in the development and implementation of an educational curriculum for adults impacted by homelessness. This curriculum will encompass fundamental art principles and professional practices to promote opportunities for advancement into art-related careers.  The developed learning opportunities will be available to program participants through a variety of learning methods with an emphasis on accessibility and individualization. 

In conjunction with POVA’s Programming and Evaluation Committee, the Art Education Committee members will meet every other month for an hour with some minimal work in between meetings. Meetings will take place virtually during COVID-19. Committee members will, ideally, commit to serving through June 2021. This is a volunteer position.

POVA’s Art Education Committee exists to :

  • Develop curriculum (original content creation or curation from existing sources)

  • Advise staff on best practices in education implementation

  • Develop assessments that measure set learning objectives 

  • Align assessment measures with standards deemed by the Committee to indicate mastery of objectives

  • Attend bi-monthly meetings to discuss the collaborative effort of this project to ensure project cohesion

  • Ensure the maintenance and dissemination of best practices in adult education implementation for a variety of abilities and learning preferences

Desired Skills, Interests or Education:

  • Degrees preferred: BFA, MFA, BA in Studio Art, Art Education, etc.

  • Art Entrepreneurship/Business

  • Education/ Adult Education/ Art Education

  • Curriculum Development

About Poverty and the Arts (POVA)

Poverty and the Arts (POVA) is a nonprofit social enterprise, based in Nashville, TN, that provides people impacted by homelessness with access to creative resources and an artistic platform to enhance their quality of life. POVA highlights the creative talents of people impacted by homelessness in order to broaden perspectives and foster meaningful and equitable relationships across communities. The POVA Artist Collective program equips people impacted by homelessness with the artistic resources, training, and marketplace to gain financial independence and overcome barriers to employment by leveraging their creative talent to earn meaningful and legal income.

To apply for POVA’s Art Education Committee, please email your resumé and a brief letter of interest to